Financial Planning for Retirement in Central Michigan and the Thumb
Financial planning for retirement is something that everyone should be doing, regardless of your current age, savings or income. At Recker Financial, we use cutting edge technology to help develop a comprehensive retirement savings plan for you. We’ll sit down with you to identify all of your retirement goals and formulate a plan to achieve them. We’re able to run multiple scenarios and make adjustments with just the click of a button. We’re able to achieve this using something called a Monte Carlo simulation from RightCapital, an innovator in financial planning software. This is an advanced system that goes far beyond what most financial planners in Central Michigan and Thumb offer. It generates over 1,000 different scenarios and shows the percentage of those scenarios that will result in assets making it to the end of their plan.

Through this simulation process we can change assumptions with relative ease as your situation changes. You’ll immediately see the financial impact that retiring earlier, changing jobs, buying a car or house, paying down debt faster or saving more in your 401K will have on your goals.

On all of the scenarios that we run we’re able to see what impact recommendations will have on projected investment assets, net worth and total taxes projected to be paid. We can then determine your retirement income sources and how predictable they are. We’ll also break down a projected withdrawal rate from your investment assets over your retirement to see if that is sustainable.

At Recker Financial we take all of these factors into consideration to make sure you have all of the information you need to feel confident about your retirement plan.​